Thursday, March 29, 2007

I found people. They need visas.

Update on this post: The musical Sobreesdrújulas are playing the waiting game for their visas. Which is really frustrating because they are supposed to be here on Friday. I'm calling in all of the support I can manage on my end. Argh.

After six months of struggle in the greater L.A. area, my quest for informants was (I hope) solved by a five day trip to the Pacific Northwest. All hail the Sobreesdrújulas! Let the data collection begin! In April! I am praying to the visa gods that the group of transnational musicians that I have selfishly and naively claimed mine will get their papers and come to this fine land so that I might ruthlessly watch them speaking not-endangered language Z and acting out their various discursive practices.

When I am not spending excessive amounts of nonexistent cash on airline tickets to the Pacific Northwest, I am reading everything I can get my hands on about the Sobreesdrújulas and their relative uniqueness in country X. So I feel that I am finally making progress and thank God for that.

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